Project Description
S.S. Maria Theresa
Launched in the spring of 2015, SS Maria Theresa is De Gerlien van Tiem’s latest addition to the Uniworld ‘Boutique’ fleet of river cruise vessels. It is safe to say, and without exaggeration, that the river cruiser is the next level in luxury, comfort and extravagance adorning the West-European inland waters.As mentioned above, with this vessel, De Gerlien van Tiem and Uniworld take the next step in further perfecting the already high Super Ship quality concept. This can be found in many details, such as in finish, as well as technically advanced functionalities. Of all the new technical innovations, the most lavish feature on board is the switch and automation system.
The Ship’s Property Management System (SPMS) is a central database containing all passenger and crew information from which broad functionality and an extensive range of integrated but stand-alone software Modules are available.
The Ship Property Management System provides cruise operators with scope to handle individual passengers, groups travelling together, the ship’s crew, staff and also any temporary visitor onboard. As passengers and crew check in, and prepare to embark, a range of information about each individual is captured and stored in a central database aboard the ship.
When the guest arrives at the cabin door, the presence of the key card near the outdoor panel is enough to open the door, activate the ‘cabin settings’ and turn on the dimmed lights. Once inside, with the card inserted into the dedicated holder, the complete cabin automation system is made available to the passenger.
This VDA intelligent online cabin automation system, originally customdesigned for the hotel industry, micromanages every cabin onboard the SS Maria Theresa from a central control point. Room climate and environment settings are precisely controlled on an individual passenger basis.
Guests may alter their room environment, within pre-set limits, though the use of the glass touch panels in the cabin. When the passenger is not present in the cabin, all electrics within the cabin are set back to an energy-effi cient level, thus reducing the carbon footprint and power consumption.
As the passenger enters the cabin, the system is re-activated, initiating the specifi c individual’s cabin settings. This goes unnoticed by the guest, but ensures their comfort in a very user-friendly way. Additional advantages of the system are the passenger attendance control, the potential for checking/controlling/ overruling all electric device settings from one central point on board or via a satellite connection.
Project Details
Products installed
Access Control – Room Management System