Today is the start of VDA WEEK, an event dedicated to the internal community, that celebrates a prestigious anniversary, namely 40 years of our own brand’s history.
With live streaming connecting all the VDA offices that will participate in the event (UK, APAC, MEA and HQ), we wish you all to tune in on the 17th, 18th, and 19th November.From the launch of the new product to VDA Tales, it will be a week dedicated to internally retracing the entire growth process that has allowed VDA to become the market leader that we know today.
There has been 40 years of constant commitment, demanding challenges, difficulties to overcome but also great satisfaction and many successes.
We would like to think of this anniversary as a stage in the path that we have undertaken, a goal that is above all, a new starting point made up of new reflections, and new perspectives.
In recent years we have understood that to achieve one’s business expectations it is necessary to build one’s own independent path, albeit with all the uncertainties, throwing our hearts in to get over the obstacles, whilst keeping steady the aim of the goal, that transforms one’s vision into reality.
VDA is today an important presence in the world of automation systems for the hospitality market. From here we look to the future whilst keeping our roots firmly on the ground, driven by the same enthusiasm and tenacity that have motivated us from the very beginning, and that have allowed us to go so far.
We are experiencing a difficult and uncertain time at the moment, that forces all of us to face significant changes. Being resilient in this moment of sudden and unforseen situations, is neither simple nor obvious, especially when you are faced with the need to review your strategies, correct the plans, and go in a totally different direction from what had originally been imagined. They have been extremely difficult months, but we have worked hard, and it is our duty to celebrate this milestone, in the name of these sacrifices and in spite of everything that has happened.
We would have liked to have been able to organize the event in person, but, as is well known, the current situation does not allow it. We have therefore prepared a series of online presentations on our Workplace platform, to remind us of where we started from, to tell us where we have arrived to, and define together where we want to go.
It will also be an opportunity to thank the entire VDA team, without which we would never have been able to reach this milestone.
We believe in team spirit, collaboration and sharing. Such values have so far allowed us to go so far, and we are confident that they will accompany us successfully for many many years to come.
We wish to show our gratitude to those who have been close to us all these years, giving us confidence and encouraging us, with their advice and their observations, to give more and more.
A big good luck to the VDA of today and of tomorrow.